Under 65 Individual:
Open Enrollment: 11/1/2023 – 12/15/2023
Special Enrollment: Anytime within 60 days of a qualifying event.

Current Members (with Subsidy) 2024:
Automatic renewal unless updates or changes needed.

Current Members (without Subsidy):
Automatic re-enrollment for 2024. If you’d like to review, then click Schedule Appointment.

Medicare Supplement:
Open Enrollment: Within 6 months of Part B Effective date

Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Coverage:
Annual Election Period: 10/15/2023 – 12/7/2023
Initial enrollment period – contact us 3 months prior to age 65.
Special enrollment period – Losing employer group coverage, other qualifying events (available throughout the year).

Dental, Non-ACA short term medical, accident only DI, long term DI, long term care, cancer/heart attack/stroke lump sum insurance, and life insurance are all available throughout the year. Call for quote and review.

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